I’m a huge fan of zombies and thrillers (sweet home, ttb, kingdom, alive) but this has got to be my second least favourite (after alive cos that suck).
1) Lots of holes in the plot. Such as how the class president witness the rich girl getting the infected blood and just shut up about it until someone died. Every rational and logical being would have questioned her on the spot on why is she playing with infected blood. Another one is how onjo has time to dwell over her lost friend and talk about how she doesn’t want to live because no one she likes is around anymore, which almost killed her childhood friend, fml do I even have to explain how stupid this was? No signs of dehydration or fatigue after running and killing and talking?
2) the story has no solid plot, it’s another typical zombie survival show. Yes there are bullying etc etc, but all those are just convenient holes filler
3) redundant characters such as the class president who talks big but is completely meaningless, making the show too long
But I do have to say kudos to the team for creating the school on set themselves, that was really amazing and probably the only reason why I gave 2 stars instead of 1