For all Dune fans this is a must see and will not disappoint. Paul is cast perfectly. So is Jessica. The visuals are fantastic, especially the ornithopter. The carpet on the ramp of the big transport was a nice touch.
I will be curious to see how Paul develops into the man-leader in the next movie. He is great as the young, coming of age Bene Geseret. You can see him starting to develop and mature as the movie progresses. Based on the way the director and actors have done such a great job so far, I’m sure they will do a good job on this as well.
I have only two criticism and they are probably more about me than movie deficiencies. First, I had a little trouble understanding the dialogue at times. I look forward to being able to turn on the closed captions when I watch on streaming.
Second, and I say this about pretty much every book turned into movie I see, is that I would like to see this as a 12 part series so they could really develop the plot.
Those small criticisms aside, I highly recommend this movie and can’t wait for Part 2.