Not a huge MJ fan and he was definitely strange and eccentric.. some undeniable thoughts though..
- sexual abuse especially on children have immediate to long term psychological and behavorial impact. These result in clear non-verbal signs which are visible even though a child may not communicate them verbally. A mother or sibling can easily spot behavior changes through instinct alone in a child. Both mother and sister claimed were clueless across the 7 year molestation, though were there with him.
- A child is very transparent on what he likes and what he does not. Will give clear indications eg. does not like vegetables, dislikes doing homework, strong body language for anyone or anything that makes them uncomfortable. So they enjoyed playing with Mike during the day with all the rides and swings and animals and if the first night was uncomfortable.. The next night a child will naturally evade a repeated zone of discomfort and even say "Mommy can I sleep with you" or give clear indications he does not want to go. This clearly did not happen. If the ones closest to him did not see any signs across 7 years and found it safe then it definitely was safe!
That same child through rigorous cross examination by prosecutors in the first trial revealed there was nothing and again repeated the same thing in the 2nd trial as a full grown adult where he by then clearly understood the meaning of sexual abuse.
If there was nothing even till then there couldnt possibly be anything ever!
Also if I have to choose between believing something said when one was a child or when he is an adult I would surely place my bet on a child for truth.
Whatever good was said in the documentary on MJ is known to all whatever nonsense is mentioned could not have happened in these circumstances just on the premise that MJ loved and cared for children or night!