Season 1, interesting and I liked it. The narrated format is more informative and it makes it easier to connect with the history of the legends.
Season 2, boring and I didn't like it. It was just like a million other shows that are out there (and I don't like any of them much either).
With season 1, I was under the impression that the series intended to inform people where the legends began. It explained the roots of things like werewolves, vampires and other things, as well as their connection to all the tales that branched off of them- accompanied by a show or a performance to help tell the story.
Season 2 simply starts out with a message that claims the show is based on a true story and everything that made the series unique and entertaining, while also informative, is completely gone.
If there is a 3rd season, I hope it goes back to the original format, otherwise I doubt people will waste their time on it. There are just way too many shows and series out there like it, for the season 2 format to compete.
Most of the content for Lore is based on superstition, which is basically just average run of the mill sci-fi when it doesn't have the narrated history behind it. In season 1, it's about telling people where the lore begins. In season 2, it's just retelling a story that has been told already a million times. It is no different than any other movie that is based (however loosely) on a true story.