It's 2021 and I am playing this for the first time on a Windows 10 machine. For a 17 year old game it is graphically dated by comparison to today's WWII flight simulators as you would expect, but it definitely holds it's own, especially when you can run it under Windows 10 (provided you have the no autorun CD patch installed, so you can run it without the CD), and have all the settings maxed out completely enabling very sharp, detailed and crisp graphics. The only let down here is the FS '98 scenery. The scenery looks terrible, blocky, pixelly and ugly, with a block building here and there and trees that look more like well used toilet brushes, but hey in it's day this was groundbreaking and "photorealistic" as they would all say with every new flight simulator on the shelves. The flight models are superb though, as far as "realistic"? I'll never know as I have never flown a real plane, let alone a vintage warbird. The real fun and depth to this game is the dogfighting! It's fast and frantic! There is no sign of lag anywhere, even when the skies are teeming with bandits with all guns blazing! Flak explosions all around with wonderful spatial sound effects, you can almost feel the shrapnel tear through your wings as you fall prey to enemy fire. This game is a lot of fun! Much more so than many current titles out there. Not only are you grappling with a "realistic" flight model which is difficult enough on the right setting, but you also have to concentrate on evading enemy planes and shooting a few down yourself! The depth of missions is incredible, from sorties, escorts, reconnisance, dogfights, ground target attacks, etc...etc...Its all there. A great game that was surely well ahead of it's time in 2002. If you can find a copy (or download it), it's definitely worth a good look. Stick with it a while and you will be rewarded with some of the best dogfighting action you can get on a PC...even today!