This is a very biased video for pro vegans. Disappointment. Very carefully edited to portray something without saying it, like all the doctors in the beginning commenting on diet being a huge factor of your health (well duh) but not one saying meat and dairy are bad for it, but it could be thought as if that's what they were implying. Clever way of misleading the viewer into thinking meat is bad for you, processed meat, yes possibly, meat in general, not if cooked and prepared properly. I understand not wanting to eat meat for religious, choice, personal reasons, but saying your healthier then the meat eater because you do not eat meat is false. There are other factors that contribute to health ... Making any claim of vegetarians being healthier than those who eat meat is false and there are no real scientific studies that prove this! ... period. Also, vegans pulling the animals being injected with hormones etc, what about the pesticides thrown on the plants? And eating organically, well look what it means to be able to call their product organic, you'd be surprised to find the regulations behind that! Organic isn't like growing your own food in the backyard and picking it and eating it like people think. "Oh organic is so much more healthier" lol think again, they use and are allowed to use certain synthetic processes and chemicals in the process as well. Less harsh chemicals than they use in mass production, but still the same in my eyes. Toxic is toxic. Growing your own food is the best way, so to those who do that, my mouth is shut because they are truly eating clean. Stop spreading information by implying something knowing it will generate into a false belief. Irritating! I'm al supportive for those who are trying to eat healthy, but not for those who think their way is better and push it on others, esp. when their information is not based on solid facts or full legitimate information, or reliable/real scientific studies.