What started out as an exciting horror mystery with a strong, interesting and inspiring female lead quickly deteriorated into an unrealistic, shallow, plot hole
ridden mess. The inspiring female lead mutated from a skilled agent fighting monsters, the japanese and mysogeny, into a 2D woman running from an abusive husband (who she couldn't fight but could kill a few gremlins with her bare hands??), and whose main aim in life was to protect her baby. AND whose final accomplishments included getting a proposal from her boyfriend who had previously left her and breastfeeding her child on the smouldering ashes of the plane. Her back story made no sense. If she was a secret agent the firing the planes machine guns with exceptional accuracy and taking on gremlins single handed would've made sense. Instead she could swing from a flying plane with one hand and take on creatures, able to cut and rip their way through thick steel, with her bare hands but was fleeing for her life from her drunkard human husband and had no combat experience at all. Did I miss something? When it's out on Netflix just turn it off when they open the bag. So much initial promise. What a major let down.