There is a lot of discussion going on about the alien episode in the film. Whether it is necessary for the movie or not. Well, such an intelligent filmmaker couldn't have thrown in random scenes without any purpose, could he? My first impression was that the alien scene created a jarring note that spoiled our emotional connect with the movie and its characters. May be it was done intentionally. The director might have wanted us to think about the social issues dealt with, rationally. (German playwright Bertolt Brecht is known for such techniques) I also got the feeling that the scene is too intelligent to be meaningful. The director brings in scrodinger's cat and all that. I mean who needs to know quantum physics to watch movies!!! But I came to the conclusion that in the scene, the film parodies itself, trying to resemble b grade, preechy movies. My thoughts got strengthened by the fact that the film ends with the title card of a porn movie, that too delivers some high sounding message. This may be the director's attempt to bring together art and commercial cinema. He himself In an interview said that Super Deluxe is a commercial film.