A wonderful film, must watch it for giving atleast a thought behind the intention of murder of Shastriji.Although the screenplay could have been better or even different for that matter, finally someone cared to make a genuine attempt at unleashing the long forgotten murder mystery of our far envisioned late prime minister Shastriji. Lack of knowledge amongst general public and a bad publicity of being a biased film towards a certain political party that enjoys huge support across India, aside from the bad ratings is what led to the so called failure at box office. It is thought provoking, truth unleashing, gives an insight into the world we are totally unknown of. How Russians or Americans dealt for reaching the magnificent titles of being Superpowers. Watch it from a third party point of view and we get an idea how Indians turned against their own people with lure of certain power or money. We get the industrilistic nature of these nations who dont bat an eyelid to kick a thorn out of their way.