Utterly speechless
I don't want to write about TFA, or TLJ or the prequels. We've argued about them enough. Some of us like them, some of us don't.
For once though, we can come together on this. Never have I seen such an incoherent, cringe worthy and wasteful film SO void of emotion.
Nothing in this film is worth being positive about, it has no saving grace. From the pacing, to the character "development", to the constant and unsettling fan service, to the misguided and completely useless antagonist. What's the opposite of fear inducing? Because that's exactly what this films antagonist is. I came into this film with hope, I wasn't cynical, but multiple times throughout the screening I audibly said "I don't care". Not because I wanted to, it was just an honest reaction to what was happening on screen.
I am truly heartbroken.
I am heartbroken, not just because of what this film has done to the latest 3 movies, but because of what it has done to Star Wars. Like many of you, I am a passionate and proud fan of Star Wars and all the things it has given us through the years. I have the fondest memories growing up with the movies, games, comics and merchandise.
This film though...this film, not only has it ruined my perception of the latest saga, it's made me feel somewhat embarrassed to call myself a Star Wars fan. I can't just go and rewatch the original trilogy to make myself feel better, no, because somehow this film (with its convoluted story) has completely cheapened the OT and what Anakin accomplished.
I must go into hiding, I have a lot of thinking to do. May the force be with you.