Lots of potential but not developed and character decisions make no sense cheap special effects ran out of $ ? There is a mist so ? Nothing happens, see movie the mist Stephen King, real mist, mark addy evil corporate character every time he tells people get out they go even Ian Glen ready to buy his advice, apparently our hero’s all just get on helicopter to save their skins leaving rest. Of rig staff to drown, nice heroes, Jon snow jumps off dragon’s back to save his folk from white walkers, not these guys, throwing there team to tidal wave, ambiguous where are they going? Not home according to addy, cheapie tidal wave and how is rigg still standing after being hit? Good game of thrones reunion but after good start and lots of potential we get plod through ferns, spores, someone watched discovery and two crew members taken but do nothing, spoiler wouldn’t it have been better to have them work out problem then have creature launch title wave? Disappointing could have been good but nothing happens other then Owen teale playing his pain in the rear role done better stabbing Jon snow then mutinous undermining of Ian glenn