Mika and Joe,It breaks my heart to hear Trump slam the Bahamian people in the most terrible time of their lives.Im a nurse and my husband is a physician.We have owned a home on Grand Bahama in Freeport,and lived among the Bahamian people.Their crime rate is very low,their children are required to graduate from high school,I've never seen any gang colors or gang behavior in 15 years.They put us to shame when it comes to voting and participating in their elections.I've not met anyone that didn't vote.Election day looks like a major holiday.The more affluent people educate their children in the US then bring them home to work in the Bahamas.They love their country,they only need us to help through a disaster they have never faced before.Please let the American people know the truth about these people .If you need more facts I can get those to you.Thank-you .