This brings me to the Sunday news shows ‘Face the nation (Margaret Brennan) and Meet the Press (Chuck Todd) that both had Amy Klobuchar on. Amy immediately went on the attack against Michael Bloomberg for running millions of dollars of ads and not appearing on live TV to argue or debate. (As she was doing, to face puff-ball questions from Todd and Brennan). She complained that Mike had not been appearing in the debates. Neither Chuck nor Margaret corrected her. They let he charge that Mayor Bloomberg was hiding behind millions of dollars in ads stand. Shame on both of them.
I suppose if you like political attacks you can score points for Amy. I won’t. I put her in the ‘hall of shame’ for making two arguments she knows to be wrong. (1) Mike cannot just ‘appear’ on a TV show he must be invited. In fact she was invited and given FREE air time to combat those expensive Bloomberg ads. Being on TV was a boost to her from the TV programs – and it was free. Chuck and Margaret both should have clarified (debunked) her claim by saying either that the Mayor was not invited or underscored by saying that he was invited and turned them down. Both of these ‘hosts’ dropped the ball. (2) They dropped it again when Amy charged that Bloomberg was dodging the debates. The DNC (Democratic National Committee) decides who gets to debate and Mike still had not me their criteria last I heard. Mike is dodging nothing. Amy has a beef with the DNC- the grand poohbahs of her party - not with Mike. And she knows that, too. Another trip to the ‘Hall Shame’ for Amy. So what we see in Amy is her ability to stretch credulity to score a hit on a political opponent. There is no judgement call or difference of opinion here she is just plain lying to Mike in a bad light. And from Chuck and Margaret we see complicity. They have an obligation to set her straight on their respective shows and they did not. In a word, ‘Sad.’
Maybe they are so used to accommodating attacks on Trump that they see no harm in letting attacks on Mike go ahead. I don’t know but this is a bad day for both of those shows.
‘Meeting the Press’ (Press the Flesh) is the longest running TV programs in American history. It has a long splendid tradition. I hope Chuck does not continue to hijack that reputation for HIS political agenda. He is more than willing to bring people on the show to blast Donald Trump for his manipulations but make no mistake about it, when you watch Chuck you are watching another master manipulator at work.
So now where do I go for unbiased information? There is nowhere to go. You can trust NO ONE. And please stay clear of Facebook for anything political you want to know! Visit SNOPES often to fact-check. Read and be skeptical. Know ahead of time WHO YOU KNOW YOU CAN’T TRUST… I guess you now put these two shows on that list…