This game from top to bottom is nothing short of a train wreck. First of all they took one of the most popular game modes zombies and dumbed down and stripped away all of its identity to try and double down and push their disaster of an idea of that was outbreak. They didn’t bother to include a staple that’s been a part of every zombies game released before this which are the wonder weapons. Now they’re going to use the excuse that it was built during a pandemic but thats such a lame excuse because guess what, so did every other damn gaming studio and they managed to do a hell of a lot better job than these clowns did. In regards to the multiplayer it feels like it’s held together by duck tape and barely works. It honest to God feels like they threw whatever they could together and gave it a stamp of approval without actually testing anything. For example One of the newest kill streaks they have included is a mortar barrage and whenever a teammate calls it in it effectively kicks up dirt every time a bomb is dropped blinding you and your entire teams display. Honestly I can’t understand why anybody would think it’s a good idea to blind players especially when it’s not even the enemy team that called it in. The spawns are easily the worst they have ever been in any call of duty to be released in quite some time. Do yourself a favor and pocket your money because they didn’t care to put in any real effort and with how previous call of duties have gone they will continue to turn a blind eye. I’ve never worked on video games before but I know if I was a developer on this piece of garbage I wouldn’t want my name anywhere near it. In summary the studio should’ve bit the bullet and delayed the game because this is nowhere near stable and the fact that they’re asking $70 is insulting. We have to stop settling for mediocrity because they will never learn and they will never change.