Honestly was not pleased with this game. Jason runs to slow to catch any of the counselors and all of his controls are either stalled or don’t work. 9/10 you can only kill one counselor at a time and the other ones get away. I kept getting stuck in fences and trees and throwing the knives was useless. I also didn’t appreciate the fact that Jason didn’t have the ability to climb or jump over rocks that were in his way. Also, when one of the counselors fight back it stalls Jason and gives them the ability to get away. There were too many negatives within the first challenge for me to even want to continue on. I got the game free when I bought my xbox one used at disk replay because I guess they forgot to remove the disk before it was sold and I’m now even more disappointed because it didn’t come with a case so I can’t return or sell it. 10/10 would not recommend this game to anyone.