I found this in my PS5 game library. It must’ve been free on PS Plus, and I forgot about it. I played through the first level and didn’t like one moment of it. A platform game relies on good controls. To me, the controls were terrible. Even just jumping to grab a platform above you didn’t feel right. Often I missed, then would have to stand in a precise spot and try again. Also, dropping off a platform results in Abe grabbing and hanging from the edge. It seems you have to do a little jump to avoid that from happening? There are fires you put out by throwing bottles of water, but the aiming guides (a little arc of dots), isn’t accurate and I often found myself chucking like 4 bottles to get rid of the last bit of flame. Fortunately, there are water bottles in baskets like every 25 feet. Probably instead of fixing the frustrating aiming flaws, they just went back and added a bunch of water baskets. Is this game worth trying for free?? I don’t think so.