It felt so good returning to the movies after over a year of the pandemic. I was scrolling through Instagram and saw this film was coming out and decided "After my 2nd shot I am going to see this movie in a theater!" I did and I was not disappointed. Extremely entertaining, great gore, and an awesome ending. Samuel L. Jackson and Chris Rock had a good chemistry together together. Some of the dramatic scenes with Chris Rock got a mixed response from my friends. I'd like to see Rock work with some other directors like Noah Baumbach to really hone in his craft as a serious actor because he has a lot of potential. The Captain looked like Kim Kardashian and that was really distracting lol. Nothing against the actress (she did a good job) I just noticed. The traps were creative and disturbing just like in the other Saw films. My friend had to look away so director Bousman did a good job with that. One of the best Saw movies. My 3rd favorite underneath Saw VI and the 2004 original.