Walked out at the scene of the audience getting sprayed with blood from the monstrosity that became. The morphing into the monster is when the movie took a turn into absurdity and just outlandish 80’s horror-esq slasher fest with blood bathing. That is 2 hours of my life wasted that I’ll never get back and money poorly spent…My girlfriend and I are traumatized by how HORRID the movie was and have mutually agreed that we will not be going to see any movies in a theatre anytime in the near or distant future. Other reviewers have made comments like that would rather have handfuls of excrement and clap than sit through this movie…A date nite ruined after a lovely day spent at the ballpark. I’m dying to read future reviews and comments on this poor excuse for cinema. This, by far, was the worst movie I have ever seen. The second movie I have ever walked out on…the first one was no where near this bad!!!