Thanks for the segment on terminating pregnancy when either the mother is in danger but more importantly the viability of the fetus without major predictable concerns in the context of a wanted successful pregnancy. This is where many women and families have difficult, but often informed choices at the 20 week evaluations may how major lack of development in terms of neurological issues or other major issues that strongly suggest compromised viability. This is heartbreaking information and difficult decisions face families. It needs to be informed choice between mother, family, and best medical advice to come to decision about continuing pregnancy. This a decision our family has faced twice in past 2 years due to genetic abnormalities in terms of CNS development. Hard decisions, but which much thought, genetic counseling, and input from our medical team, we made informed decision to terminate pregnancy. Not done without significant consideration, thought, and sense of sorrow. But also confident were making a best informed and ethical choice. This is the other side of making choices about terminating pregnancy. There should be informed and ethical choice with those dealing with the complexity of pregnancy. Each pregnancy brings its own context and complex issues. Our current laws want to define in terms of timelines and other issues that don’t take into account the complexity of pregnancy and bringing a viable child into this world.