Really disappointed. Having seen Kenneth Branagh's brillant version of Murder on the Orient Express i was really lookjng forward to his version of Death on the Nile but from the start I was very disappointed. It started off very slowly and couldn't fathom why it started of with the scenes of Poirot in the war and in the hospital?
Then it moved to a blues club where we introduced to some of the characters and some erotic dancing, which would have made Agatha turn in her grave, and was highly unnecessary to the plot.
We then got in to the main plot of the story which I found really confusing. The guests on the boat were all supposed to be part of Linnet and Simon's wedding party when in previous versions they have all just happened to be on the same vacation. A lot of the characters had changed or not been included/added. Solame Otterbourne had gone from a writer of novels to a blues singer, the doctor changed from a European man to a young English man who was previously engaged to Linnet. The solicitors name was changed and went from being Linnet's uncle to her cousin. Miss Bowers went from being Maria van Schuyler' companion and nurse to her lover! Where did Bouc come from and why was he the witness to Louise's murder and the thief of Linnet's necklace when it was Solame and Maria in previous versions? Where was Colonel Race and the rest of missing characters?
The snake attack scene was aimed at Linnet in this version instead of Poirot.
There was none of the humour which the other versions I have seen with Peter Ustinov and David Suchet which made it quite a dark portral.
Also, I may be wrong but I doubt that the boat would have been that opulent in that time in Eygpt even with all Linnet's money and even if they had women working on the boat, there would be no way they would be wearing shorts!
Sorry Kenneth but not one of your finest.