I understand why people didn't like this Movie, one of the reasons is Crow's Lack of Significance like in the source material, well that's not too bad, the story can dig deeper if it gets a sequel so it's good altho big doubts for a sequel becos of the Latter,
The acting is not bad at all i don't know why they want all Cast to be highly good at acting it isn't relevant coz it's enough, I like the simplicity of the flow of the story, I like the fact that the MC couldn't maintain his pure love and had doubts with all going on coz it is understandable as a Human, People saying we have terrible taste at movie becos we like this movie is not helpful at all, coz it's simple and that's it, they're probably expecting more becos of the Source Material I highly understand that, this phase should've been fine for a starter.
Well as an individual, I like it, that's kinda what matters to me, and this is good as it is so I hope y'all watch this first before Concluding that's it's also waste of time, maybe you'll also like it. From time to time this kind of Movie ain't so bad, and It's Main Character's development weren't even rushed and its progressive. People wanting Real Kick Ass Actions immediately would end up complaining that the story is Rushed if the Movie did so.