It looked interesting in the preview. The writing is inconsistent and confusing. It feels like it was written by different people at different times. I was expecting a political drama about a coverup and one barrister's unflinching resolve to expose the truth in pursuit of justice. This is not that. It's almost a parody of what that series would be. My issues with the storytelling:
1) Pick a struggle: It tries to address drug abuse, patriarchy, alcoholism, classism, immigration (half-heartedly makes mention), corruption, and cronyism on top of sexual assault.
2) The wife is the stupidest character on the show and the show even said so. The majority of the story is told in her hazy stupid flashbacks, dreams, and daydreams as she slowly figures out that her husband is a serial rapist. It's just shot after shot of her looking confused and shocked. She throws up on her own phone, runs out of rooms into the streets, and climbs into bed fully dressed and wearing stilettos. People insult her to her face and she figures it out twenty years later.
3) Disjointed plot: There is a situation that involves crack, a dead teenager, fleeing the authorities, and stumbling around in the dark. It has no impact on the central story. Somehow after fleeing the with crack in his pocket the main antagonist manages to randomly bumps into the girl who his wife cheats off of at school and assualts her (the crack is not his and he is not high).