I have a LOT of feelings about this book but let me start with this. It’s amazing. In my opinion Beau and Edythe’s story is just as good as Bella and Edwards if not better.
I’m in love with this book and it’s version of the characters and story. I’m used to facing that depression at the end of a good story, but I find myself also filled with anger now. This story is just as good as the original as I said, and it’s different. It deserves to actually be put on paper and read and enjoyed, not imagined. To be very frank I find the audacity of the message in the afterword to be lazy and insulting. Finish what you start. Many of us would flock to this series, many of us would even read the series done in Edwards perspective. But all we get is a cruel tease of what could have been. I’m honestly heartbroken and now wish I’d never have picked it up despite it being amazing.