This movie was incredibly beautiful, creative and artistic, as well as intense. It was powerful to see behind the scenes of addiction, mental health and abuse. No one knows 100% of what happened with Marilyn, but I deeply felt the roller coaster of emotion that was possible for her existence at that time. It also clearly states that this is a mix of fiction and fact- knowing the facts helps you navigate the movie. For example: Cass Chaplin died after Marilyn did.
There is a lot of backlash about this movie, but in my experience as a woman- this is what being seen and used as a sex symbol feels like. Watching this was validating to the torments, paranoia and confusion that comes along with extreme desire. I saw the victimization similar to Elvis- these stars were drained of every ounce of talent, authenticity and spirit, purely for the gain of the people in power and the consumer.
The cinematography was a delight to my eyes and mind. The acting was wonderful and pushed De Armas to the edge. How remarkable to see the humanness of effort. I thought she played Marilyn better than anyone else ever has.
This film hits all the points as a work of art and enticing extreme response from the witness is the entire point. Definitely a film I could watch again.