Issa Lopez was the first woman to completely destroy True Detective’s franchise singlehanded. She lacked vision, had the inability to build character archs, failed to effectively connect season 1’s ideas to season 4, and leveraged culture to camouflage her weaknesses.
Danvers and Navarro did not show the skill set to be true detectives. Peter however did. He discovered they had killed Wheeler. As a result of working 2 cases he was never home to help his wife nor be a dad to his son. Danvers and Navarro were both unstable women led by emotions rather than reason. Season 1 & 3 detectives led with their intuition which later became facts.
The ending was appalling. The famous swirl cult sign became a sign hunters used to warn others about thin ice! The Tuttles were mentioned linking them to the mine but there was nothing indicating they would be held accountable. We think Rose murdered Travis because there was no proof he had cancer. She cooked a Christmas dinner for like 50 people! Again, another unstable woman depicted. Finally let’s get to the human icicle. We are suppose to believe the women janitors solved Anni K’s case before the police. They forced the scientists to get naked, led them to the artic to freeze. These so called genius men decided to not run back to find shelter. Instead they decided to be on top of one another to freeze as they screamed? Nice one Issa. There were no ghosts. There was no cult. The only True Detective was Peter but the show could not show what he did because he would have outshined the leading characters. Guess what Issa? Peter outshined them anyway!