I just watched the movie over a streaming service. I should note that I have an MDiv and a separate MA in psychology with a particular interest in Freud. So I was hoping this would be a great movie and I have to say, it is. In this day of action packed block busters from Hollywood, I'm impressed that this movie was even made. I think Hopkins, from what I know anyway, nails Freud in all his demanding, overbearing but witty and terrified (of the pain of cancer and his impending death) self. Goode does a great turn at portraying a relatively young Lewis. The film is not a white wash. Lewis, who penned the Chronicles of Narnia and Screw Tape Letters, is there with his rather problematic relationship with his war friend's mother is there. Freud's odd and challenging relationship with his daughter, Anna who was lesbian and a leading psychoanalyst herself, is front and center. But the questions of faith and atheism and the sometimes heated debate are so well done. But through it all there is a respect and a bit of affection between these two well known men. If you are not into the subject matter, watch something else. But otherwise this is a great film. The movie ends with my favorite quote from Freud, "From error to error, one discovers the entire truth." There has never been a greater quote about human nature and theology than that one!