Hello my name is desmond, if you dont play squash ants gay, squash all the ants gay but lets not go get my spine removed by a clown. i wanted to rate this game as a 0 because it made me peel back my eyelids and sit on broken glass i like to play this game but it makes me want to hurt myself with soft pillows! and i get mad because squash ants gay if you let your children play this game they will turn into monsters and pull ur skin off ur bones and consume it while playing dont krug to r6 without squash ants i like to drink coke but i cant drink anymore because i cant get off r6 im so addicted i have dookie stains and weewee stains all over my bedroom and my clothes i havent showered in weeks or slept and im going insane please send help i want food im hungry i would definetly reccomend this to children over the age of 30. I LOVE THIS GAME also my name is Desmond Peanuts thank you