This gets a solid 4 star. The character building was great. You invested in the characters and theyre plight in the game world. The graphics were very good too. Some blurring of detail but thats ok. Its NOT an open world game. Some small dialog holes and one glaring error. But if you love the game, you can overlook it. I didnt know Alex was bullet proof. Jed shot her pount blank with what looks like a .45. She should be dead right there. She then falls down a 50 foot shaft and crackes her ribs on a board half way down. The she falls down the rest of the way and crashes on the bottem. What is she, Rasputin or something? So her walking around after that level of damage is not believable at all. Then she crawls out of the mine over to the bar and confronts Jed. Why she would lead with Typhon is beyond me. Anybody else would have lead with "Jed you tried to kill me"! So that too is unbelievable. But other than that it was a great story. And when Jed sprung up to be an evil guy, it was a well done suprise. All in all a worthwile game to play. Just not for full price.