Swatantra Veer Savarkar is a captivating movie about the life of Veer Savarkar, a brave freedom fighter. Randeep Hooda's acting as Savarkar is amazing, making you feel like you're watching the real person on screen.
The film tells Savarkar's story from his youth to his time in prison, where he endured brutal treatment. It also shows his beliefs in equality for all Indians and his friendships across different religions.
The movie's story keeps you hooked for the whole three hours, and the music adds emotion to important moments. The director did a great job recreating the past, making you feel like you're living in that time.
The patriotic songs are moving and add to the film's impact.
Overall, "Swatantra Veer Savarkar" is a must-see! It's a powerful tribute to a true hero. 🎬🇮🇳