wow, this was.... bad.
the concept was on par with the other descendants movies in my opinion, but the execution was just so, so awful. the movie felt so rushed- the supporting characters and the main villains had barely any character exploration or screen time. the most we got about wonderland was ten minutes and a couple of throwaway lines, and a whole host of potentially interesting support characters, such as the son of the mad hatter or the son of morgana, were introduced and then barely acknowledged for the rest of the movie. the climax of the movie was so underwhelming i didn't realise it was actually the final "battle" until i realised there was only seven minutes of the movie left, and i was sitting there going "that's it?".
the songs, which are the hallmarks of the descendants franchise so far and normally have outstanding production for children's movies are flat, formulaic and nearly indistinguishable from each other, so much so that i can barely pick out any one of them from the rest of the soundtrack.
to finish.. i think i'm gonna rewatch the others and pretend like this trainwreck doesn't exist.