I like how its a new type game bringing out new ideas and more.. not alot ppl get a game like this an many may not see potential in something like his at first but pls keep growing the game despite the lashes it will grow an audience within a year with dlc and more. Great for the role playing community and for my fellow adventure/action. Only tweak I see needed is the singing is bad it be fun to hear them sing songs ppl actually know and I get its pirate but not everyone want were dirty pirate clothes best thing I'd say to push forward is to make a dlc based in the future or present day with better ships gear an more new future map an ships I promise if u just make a story like theme that a pirate got pushed into the future in a dying yet more technological world force ppl to take to the seas and u as main character plus others who got warped can bring peace to the future. Making it a easy way to bring it to modern day life with better game play.. but the game have so much promise an can invite a new franchise that no other game have a good stand on yet