litraly changd my life like!! b4 i red it i was a prep mebe a posr at best but nof im so goffik!! enoby is mi idol n i try and dres lik her evry day!!!1!!! for exampl 2day i was wering this blak lacy top with korset stuf on it and a blakc leather miniskrt thtr sez goffik gurl on it n also purpol fishnetz.t alzo chsnged my muzic tazte bc i used to lizen to like cady pery but noo i lessen to mcr n good chraloot egogy is suck a gud roll model shez so cool! i luved the love tringle Btween her n draco an vampyre ad b'loody mary n enobys relayshunship is so nice!! fangz 4 reeding