This game is 💩. So many things wrong with it. Lets start with loading into the park. Once you get to the park, you'll be lucky to be able to use the directory. I works about every 3 time I go to it. I constantly have to quit the game & reload for the directory to work.
Next, let's let me say how making a build is extra garbage. They've changed to much & now you have to worry about physical abilities..
I guess I can't leave with out mentioning that everybody watches these YouTube videos & pays the money to get their build up. Either that or they're buying accounts. This generation of gamers are pathetic
I'll leave with this. You now get banned for time periods if you quit the game, foul out, or lag out. Whatever happens that causes you to not finish the game, you now get banned for it. Other people can quit the game & leave you with the Ai with no problem. But let you somehow quit & watch what kinda time you get banned for. Do it enough times & they'll delete your account.