I loved the first one so obviously I was so hyped about this one, until I played it…. Graphics are great and zombies look good but it’s not bloody enough or scary enough. Weapons break too easily even with mods on it. Too many bugs and glitches. I would be spawned in the air and fall and die again. I had to restart the game twice because I would be spawned in and fall off the map. The story is boring and makes no sense and they added way too many people to keep track of. I only remember like 5 characters in the game because I’m always talking to them. I predicted what would happen and who killed Lucas even before I found out who did it. Don’t get me started with the stamina, what is the point of doing parkour if it’s gonna cost your stamina? Literally climbing a ladder makes your stamina go down fast. There’s no guns which I really don’t understand that but whatever. I play on ps4 so not sure if that’s why there are so many glitches. I hope they fix this quick because I’m really regretting buying this game. Also what’s with this immunity timer? What’s the point of that? How are we supposed to do night quests when you have a timer that once it reaches 0 you die? Zombies don’t have as much loot on them or bandits which is annoying. I do however like that the virals come out at night because I always hated them in the daytime. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the game but I wish it had a more interesting story like the first one. It’s overall boring.