I can confidently say that "The Acolyte" is finally uniting the Star Wars fanbase.
After years of constant bickering amongst the SW fanbase, this show comes as the savior. Star Wars fans are finally united! In disliking this show that is.
Is Andor level quality too much to ask for? Was that show just a fluke?
Welp, another Star Wars show has arrived off of the conveyor belt of money-crazed Disney. And yet for some reason, they make all the decisions that drive away the core audience.
Andor is a gem. It's up there with Empire Strikes Back and Revenge of the Sith as S tier Star Wars for me. The writing, acting, cinematography, direction, politics, effects - basically everything about it was fantastic. But for some reason, it's the only D+ show that has been above mediocre. Mandalorian had its moments, but Season 3 bogged it down. Kenobi was atrocious, Boba Fett was meh and Ahsoka was meh.
There is no way anyone can say that this show isn't progressive ideology disguised as a Star Wars story. A Star Wars story that is mostly nonsensical and strange. The writing is not good in any way. The casting is bad, and you can tell they were just trying to check the diversity and inclusion boxes vs telling a good story.
The third episode was the last straw for me. I usually try to finish a show before I review it, but the creators don't deserve my time.