This movie is a disservice to the people who made it and the people who watch it. It airbrushes addiction; it sets up a keystone cops brand of plot twists and turn, and except for one unseen girl, no one dies - not even the cute puppy. It suggests if you are or know or, God forbid, love an addict, somehow life will be okay. The great addict movies are exquisitely directed (often in black and white) and brilliantly acted. See "The Days of Wine and Roses" (Blake Edwards, Jack Lemmon, Lee Remick) or "The Man With The Golden Arm" - story by Nelson Algren, directed by Otto Preminger, featuring Frank Sinatra and Kim Novak. The mother character in "Ben is Back" is achingly stupid. That is a role Ms. Roberts is not equipped to realize on screen or in life. Did the creators of this movie think we couldn't handle the truth about addiction? Can we?