Keenly connects biblical history in relation to the birth of Christ, which is the Christmas Messiah coming that we celebrate, and as well as, the the customs we have to celebrate it. Great info for the nay sayers who know nothing about the Bible anyway, if they would just try being open minded and watch it.
Never understood why society so readily and happily say Happy July Fourth, Happy Valentine day, Happy Halloween, happy Thanksgiving, happy Kwansa, happy New Year, but get so offensive about Merry or Happy Christmas - other than just being the bitter, unhappy people they are. Happy happy happy happy anything - until it’s time to celebrate the creator of the universe and all mankind. Of, course, they won’t celebrate the creator and his son, the Messiah, because he gave us rules and regulations to live by and they don’t like that because it cramps their life style!
So, this movie takes away many of the justifications that people state as to why not to celebrate the Messiah’s leaving in His place at the fathers side to come bring a message of eternal salvation to all humanity.