When it comes to 'reboots', 'remakes', re-envisioning', or whatever you wish to call them, I am generally not a fan. Movie, video game, it really doesn't matter; you've told the story, now move on.
After a coworker wouldn't shut up about this reboot, I finally caved and decided to purchase a game before release (another thing that I typically refuse to do). Now that I've completed the campaign, I have to say that I am glad that I did.
Now, the game is by no means perfect and there were certainly a few instances where I was cursing the Devs, but it is nice to see that IW is finally catching up with the game mechanics. If they would have integrated some leaning/peaking corners mechanics, it would have been more to my liking. The native button layout (surprise, I'm a PC gamer) was a bit annoying. For example, I accidentally hit crouch (C) on more than a few occasions when I was attempting to perform a takedown (V); but that's a simple enough change in the settings.
Visually, this game is quite beautiful and the sound is pretty much on the mark as well. But the "crafting" section is another one of those things where Devs irk me. The whole "piece of metal that breaks after one use" is played out. Sorry Devs but a metal shiv will likely last several uses when prying a door before being expended.
Campaign is only about 6.5-7 hours (wish it was longer) and personally, I think that I liked this storyline more than the original. I'm not going to let the cat out of the bag, but it just felt more thought out (ish).
TLDR: For someone that doesn't like reboots, I liked it and wish that it lasted longer. Might attempt some multiplayer in a few days, but I did like the campaign.