What an absolute banger of a show. Almost rivaling Adventure Time, or the Regular Show in terms of how great this series is. While I love this show for not taking itself too seriously, it brings a certain charm no other cartoon has. The cheesy, goofy humor makes it great for a quick laugh, even watching it older I sill love it. Oh, and the series finale, infinitely better than Adventure Time's (though I was borderline crying at the end of both), Weirdmageddon is the epitome of what Gravity Falls is; a weird, hilarious fever dream of a Tv show with lovable characters making a final stand against the evil and weirdness plaguing the land. It's fatal flaw is that it ended too early, it had so much more potential, even if Alex Hirsch didn't see it that way. It could have gone on for a couple more seasons before turning into a cash grab like some shows are now. But another season(s) of Gravity Falls will never come, sadly. writing this review gave me a feeling of nostalgia I haven't felt since I rewatched Adventure Time. Please watch this show, and check out my other reviews too!