It isn't bad.... It isn't good either.... Something feels off. Is it the bad cgi effects? The way the characters acts, talks and their backstories n'or the mainstory line? It all feels familiar but different at the same time but not in a good way (something is annoyingly off) You know the feeling? Like that new resident evil movie the one that's really based on the game? Everything was off in that movie, the characters and the way they talks/looks, the cgi/special effects, the mainstory line, the general ambiance that is not quite what it is supposed to looks/feels like, the fact that they changed characters apparences and the cheesy acting . The halo serie is the same! Go take a look for yourself its not bad but you'll see what I'm talking about you'll be familiar with the things that you will see in the show but realise they are quite different at the same time that creates a general malaise only the genius possess and the insane lament.. Only thing that feels like it should feels is Cortana.