The philosophical considerations consistently implemented within this film are astounding. While considerable portions of scientific overlay are completely fictional, there is still a significant amount of high quality ideas and understandings being presented in an easily comprehensible fashion. Displaying a timeline of existence, while providing functions worthy of understanding and implementing into our lives, along with a relative blueprint for cosmic perspective. While for dramatic entertainment value, I can conceive where audience may find lacking, I view that not as the primary intention. As any cinematography worthy of being seen carries a message beyond the film. The way of thinking implemented into the creation and display, could perhaps either be before it's time, or targeting an ignorant audience.
I have the fortunate opportunity of understanding in relative depth, and sit feeling awe as I am in the presence of a masterpiece. Simply viewing this movie, without understanding the philosophies, has an intense mind opening effect. Seeing the world, different cultures, time and animals. These inherently have value as our collective knowledge. Among my favorite scenes, are when Lucy is with the Captain, and describes him as "a reminder". The opportunity for brilliant interpretation are available. As something not aimlessly implied, though specifically directed towards the vastness of existence. A reminder there are still good people, a type of human tether for reason providing the worthy pursuit of the question "What do I do?" And the answer "Share." It's not a display of some romanticized love, though it's true form-a choice. Loving beyond that of sexual desire and pointlessness. Reminding a love worth sacrificing everything for, simply to share what's been learned. And for the ending, the final step... To die. As the movie had said before, death doesn't exist. We are all energy, her dissipation is practically an exact representation of her description towards death.
Goodness, thank you for making this. Absolutely amazing.