I love cod, have played every one that has come out, however, I think this is the last one I will ever play. The lag a lot of times is horrible, you can't play or even talk to your teammates when it is bad. The operators are getting dumber and dumber, like they are becoming fortnite. The weekly challenges are becoming stupid as well, plus the way it is set up everyone is trying to do the same challenges at the same time which does not always work well. Also, the "new" maps they have, half of them are just reskins on maps already out, and most of them are just horrible, the others are tolerable. But passing off old maps with some new decorations is not the same thing as a new map. You also can not play split screen multi player on hardcore this cod. We had to buy a second one so my husband and I can play together. Last but not least, chat bans. They are now chat banning you even if you are in a private chat. The AI is listening all the time. We had a friend get chat banned in our private chat but he could still talk to us so it didn't really matter. However, tonight, my husband and I were playing, we both checked and we are set to party chat only. I was talking to him and couldn't hear anything. He called me on the phone and said he got chat banned. So now, not only are they chat banning you even in your private chat, they are banning you from talking in private chat. It's insane, I get what they're trying to do, but private chat should not be messed with.