The series takes three episodes to get the band together and would, I think, have been better as a four or five episode series; ten was just too many and I used FF copiously during the last three episodes.
This shows biggest problem is that they've tried to manufacture/create a massive selling "classic" rock album (Arora) out of nowhere, the equivalent of Fleetwood Mac's (the band that this show is inspired by) "Rumours" and that just hasn't worked at all; the songs are just about "okay" at best and at worst are just plain boring.
The acting is good but the charisma between the band members is just not there; again though this is due to them having to act the part rather than being real band members.
Overall not a bad series but the film "Almost Famous" did a much better job depicting the music industry in the 70's. I've given it three stars but really would rather give it 21/2.