This game is all timing, timing and timing, even you will have a timer in your back showing 2:30 min to be out of oxygen. Why put a timer in your back? clearly this was not for your coworkers to see how much time do you have, it was for the player, so why not just show this timer in a corner of the screen? Why gravity is different inside any building than outside? Gravity at the surface is the same everywhere. The entire game is full of pseudo holograms, and I say pseudo because they are just a flat yellowish silhouette, this is so cheap, why don't we see the exact person? Running out of time to finish the game? Details like moon surface are so simple, shadows on the moon should be pitch black, surface should be very dusty, no sounds on space, and going in and out of pressurize areas should take some time, or at least the player should feel the danger of going out, in the game you can open a door and be outside like open the door of your house. The dron following you all the time is a little annoying, it would be better to feel alone, and the music is the same all the game.