Why this is categorized as a comedy is beyond me. I understand how humor is subjective, but I can't fathom how anyone would find any part of this series even slightly amusing.
Animation is basic but passable. Storyline has some promise which isn't played on and instead they follow a weak character, who has no appealing attributes whatsoever, who fumbles about doing very little and achieves next to nothing.
I watched the whole series out of a blend of confusion, frustration, intrigue, and because my wife put it on (then swiftly fell asleep), and sheer hope that I hadn't wasted *input amount of time an episode lasts + the extra time for each additional episode* but was left bitterly annoyed and angry at myself for not just refusing to continue.
100% rating on Rotten tomatoes is mind boggling! I feel the viewers rating of 3.7 / 5 is generous! The main attraction to this show is from individuals who find the protagonist relatable, as they too live a slow life. but I can't believe it's enough to create a show about a woman sitting in an office, doing nothing.
I've probably written about 4 reviews throughout my entire life, but have been so worked up at how much this show burned through my soul with its frustratingly dull story line and lack of energy, I feel I need to write something to warn others away from this animated bag of misery!