Read it back in 2013. Professor Kaku in the book basically makes falsifiable predictions of the future. Something which not many people have done (in the past and present)when trying to make prophecies or predictions. He dives into various aspects of science from physics to medicine and gives his two cents on things.His predictions are made into 3 parts if I recall. Near future (within decades), future (a century or two) then far future.
What made his predictions great (some of which has been proven true already and some are on track to proving him correct) is that he dove into the latest research of a topic and makes logical inferences. I have to point out that his near future predictions are falsifiable (and a bunch of it came true) to us obviously because it's on a short time scale. We won't be around to see if what he predicted 100 years down the line is true or not. The falsifiability of that would be determined by future generations. Still a good read even in 2019 to inspire kids to science.