I cannot fathom how so many features from past Battlefield titles are missing in a next-gen optimised game, features that literally have no excuse for not being in the game. I won't ramble about the endless list of complaints, you only have to read other reviews.
This game is blindingly unfinished from the moment it loads the title screen. Battlefield 2042 was developed with the sole purpose of selling as many copies as possible. Why they believed that the cash flow would last longer than a month given the quality of the game, I will never know. DICE and EA have jumped on the bandwagon of releasing unfinished products and relying on patches and live-service, and have unfortunately led the charge beyond comprehension.
This is such a shame, Battlefield 2042 has so much potential to be incredibly fun, which may be possible in the future. However the game is in such a bad state that I don't know if it's possible, and I do not want to support this type of game development anymore.
If someone from the future told me that Battlefield is a dead franchise after the release of 2042, I would not be surprised. A legendary title thrown in the garbage.