Rating : ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Biopic of Narendra Damodardas Modi is released a day after he created history by becoming just the 3rd PM of India to win consecutive Lok Sabha elections with absolute majority. This is no coincidence. It also shows the confidence this man and movie makers had regarding BJP’s win. Truly, the timing couldn’t have been better!
We all know the film is about Narendra Modi, his ascend from a nobody to taking oath as 14th prime minister of India in 2014. The biopic practically touches all important milestones of Modi’s life. Selling tea, marriage, love for his mother, his journey to Himalaya in search of self-realisation, entry in RSS, role in helping Keshubhai Patel become first BJP chief minister of Gujarat, Keshubhai’s subsequent insecurity with Modi, earthquake in Bhuj, his own coronation as CM of Gujarat, cordial relations with Vajpayee and Advani in formative years, bonding with Amit Shah, Godhra riots, SIT investigation and report, terrorist attack in Akshardham temple, wooing Ratan Tata for Nano project in Sanand, US visa denial, vibrant Gujarat, his march to Delhi and then, the ultimate.
Vivek Oberoi has essayed the role well, only hiccup is his diction & dialogue delivery which resembles more with Abhishek Bachchan in Guru movie than Narendra Modi. Other actors didn’t have much screen space. Thankfully, the movie isn’t presented as a documentary. It has sufficient commercial angles to keep it interesting for the viewers. Sadly, the movie doesn’t go beyond 2014. It would have been interesting to see the director’s take on demonitisation & GST. Perhaps there’s a sequel in the making, just like NDA’s second stint.
Does the movie idiolise Modi? Thankfully, NO. It highlights his straightforward ideologies, good work done by him, his love for the nation and determination to conquer the impossible. Something which is already known and acknowledged by all, even his detractors. Yes, the film talks only positives about him but that’s typical of every biography. Hence, no complaints.
Keeping my personal opinion about the man aside, I would give a thumbs up to the movie simply because of conventional portrayal of aspirational journey of an unconventional chai wala manoeuvring his way through dirty politics to rule the heart of at least 270 million Indians, those who voted for NDA this time. Remaining hardliners might still want to see the film to criticise every aspect of it. In either case, PM Narendra Modi is the winner!