my wife- whom i hold dearly to my heart, hates this movie. however, i adore it. i am proud that the main role in this movie is eli- a strong male role model. my wife calles me sexist. what is that?? #boomer. my wife doesnt like to cook anymore. says her joints hurt. ol' gertie burnt my rigatoni. bag in my days she wouldve been put in her place. told my good pal officer randy bout it and he advised me not to. what has this world come to. #60'swerelit LOL grandkid taught me new slang! lit! he said percs were short for my medicine. bout to pop some percs LOL! my kid crawled into the oven its getting lit! grandkid texted me that. funny sport he is. back in the 80's, with my kids i would joke that their mother would cook them since shes so forgetful. LOL. she always told me to get therapy. been 50 years still dont know what that is LOL. damn woman always had some wild thoughts. ah those were the days. nice movie. i think my house may be on fire.