Attack attack attack Deny Deny Deny his motto , Stan did a great job interpreting DJTat role, Oscar worthy. I really thought it was him,Roy as well, his mentor, I doubt he turned him into the narcissist and grifter he is now , I believe he was always that way, the only time I did feel empathy for him was when Fred Jr died, it can’t be easy to lose a sibling no matter the circumstances ,he must have felt the pain, I went to see the film not expecting much, but the acting, the directors were impressive . I can honestly say I realize some parts were a tad much, but I doubt exaggerated. I see why DJT was reluctant and fought to have this film come to life: but none of it was a surprise, he’s well known in NYC with his bankruptcies and lawsuits , Al in all o enjoyed the film. If anyone becomes upset over it, it’s because we somehow as humans believe some people are redeemable. Some are not and never will be, especially when you are at certain age.